I apologize, all I have for purple today
Is a pencil
And I wish I could sketch your dreams
Build people’s reality into accepting more than just colors
They say purple is royalty
They say purple is for the spirit
Rainbows just color the sky when it’s rained enough to wash away pain
I know our president is black
But still people’s minds are in gray scale
Can’t you tell between darkness and freedom?
Or have we been enslaved again?
Only this time, there are no color lines
Just a crooked line trying to live in a world of straights
But that’s because lines were never made to connect
Unless you make a box and you see how easy it is to lose focus
Circle your eyes, I mean, really
Encircle your eyes in the truth so you can stop seeing bullshit
Decipher or cipher your scrambled thoughts
That have never quite cracked perfectly
Because how can you get built up by an army of hatred
So here’s my haiku answer;
Some do not believe
But every day is yours
And you will survive
You’ll never die as long as your heart holds love
And I love you, even if no one else does
Because just like you I’m a minority
Architectural Engineer
And so on
So you see, we’re all the same
We all have our own language and realize religion is just praising GOD
And a family can be borrowed, especially if you’ve never had one
A house is just the home where your heart lives
Now if only everyone knew Knew that if you just accept the color purple
You can see the rainbow at the end of the world
Only to capture the treasure of blessings before they are martyred
And no one really wants to kill others or see others be killed
So come on, and live for everyone who can’t live anymore
Because even though all I have that is purple is a pencil
I can at least erase the hate
And begin to draw a new beginning